Cigarette smoking - Cigarettes can stain your teeth and cause them to fall out as a result of periodontitis.If you need a snack, opt for something low in sugar and starch, like carrots. The lack of saliva when you eat a snack means that food bits can stay in your teeth for hours.
Trash x teeth full#
Constant snacking - When you eat a full mean, your mouth produces more saliva than when you briefly snack.Otherwise, there is often as much sugar in it as in soda.
Fruit juice - Look for fruit juices that are 100% juice. Your teeth, the opener - Know a friend who revels in opening beer bottles with his teeth? Don’t emulate him, as you can chip or crack your teeth very easily. These are corrosives that eat away at the enamel protecting your teeth. Sodas - Sure you know the sugar in sodas can lead to dental decay, but they also contain phosphoric and citric acids. If you must eat them, it’s best to do it with a meal. Gummy candy - These tasty little bears and fish stick in the teeth and keep the sugar, and acids from the bacteria that eat the sugar, in contact with your teeth. Wearing a mouthguard at night is the solution. Often people don’t know they do it, but usually we can see the signs at Gentle Dental. Grinding your teeth - Everyone knows grinding your teeth is bad for them: they literally grind down. He or she may fall asleep with the bottle in their mouth, bathing the teeth in sugars overnight. Bottle in the crib - Think putting a bottle of formula or juice in your baby’s crib is a good way to help him or her fall asleep? Wrong. It also irritates the soft tissue inside the tooth, causing toothaches. Chewing ice - Ice may not have sugar, but it’s far from harmless. Your pals at Gentle Dental want to enlighten you to just what you may be doing to your teeth.
Everyone is guilty of at least a couple of these habits, but it’s best if you can break them! Our teeth are tough customers, but some things we humans do are so destructive, even our teeth can’t take it.